Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Yen Carry Trade is Back!

I can’t remember how long it’s been since I was hyping the Yen carry trade (though a browsing of the ForexBlog archives indicates 2 years). Upon the outset of the credit crisis, forex markets went haywire, and one of the main “beneficiaries” was the Yen, which soared as carry trades were unwound. Now, however, a similar set of circumstances that made the Yen carry trade attractive from 2006-2008 have re-appeared, and it looks like the trade could be on the verge of making a big comeback.

Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

How Anyone Can Trade Forex Like A Pro

Over the last few years, there has been a great deal of interest in Forex trading. This interest has been fueled by the fact that people are now starting to look for greener pastures, especially after the housing bubble burst in various countries and the slow down in the economy. Amidst all these issues, it is unavoidable that most of us feel the urge to learn to trade forex and keep abreast of investment opportunities that are made available by this exciting market.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Forex Autopilot Robots Trading the Forex Market

It is possible for you to trade the forex market automatically even if you are not available at that moment. If you employ the services of an automated forex trading robot it will place trade for you even when you are not there, as long as your computer is on. It is a cool way for a trader that loves to trade always but unable to be present on his computer due to one reason or the other. It functions just as the way a professional trader does trade. As for the set of people that like to trade forex round the clock, an automated forex trading robot can do the task for you. With as little as $500 or above, you can trade forex through this automated means.

Forex-What Advantages Forex Trading Has Over Other Investments

or Foreign Currency Exchange Trading has become more and more popular among the investors in the recent years. There are few reasons why many investors choose forex trading over other type of investment opportunities.

Unlimited Earning Potential

Everyday nearly $ 2 trillion in different currencies traded in the forex market
. This has made the Forex market by far the biggest and the most liquid financial market in the world. Due to the size of the transaction volume it’s very hard to manipulate the market and your earning potential is unlimited. As such investing in Forex is one of the most stable financial businesses.

Forex Blogs - Forex Blogs Will Give You A Greater Insight To Forex Trading

The forex economy is one of the most lucrative financial markets in the world today. It is amazing how it has boomed to how it is now from its beginnings in the 1970s. Some forex traders suffer become thriving in their activities in the forex market, while some lost quite a lot. A lot of it, though, does not depend on luck alone. It largely depends on the forex trading skills and techniques the present one is making use of in form to win big or, better yet, to win constantly. Forex Blogs

Forex Toolbar - Why it Was Created and How Does it Help With Forex Trading?

A few months ago the FX-BAR FREE Forex toolbar was launched and is already becoming very popular. What started as a search for better connection to the Forex market is now something that some Forex traders can not do without. I want to share with you the concept of the Forex toolbar, why it was created, and how exactly does it help with Forex trading.

Forex | Forex Currency Trading | Forex Strategy System

The Foreign exchange market is commonly known as the Forex market, it is the principal financial market in the world. Forex currency trading market is existing almost everywhere in the world where currencies are traded for one another. The Forex market is even larger than the Treasury and Equity markets all over the world. Forex market can best be described in terms of capital; this is to say that a place where the money of one country is traded for another is basically known as Forex. In the present scenario, the most popular and significant currency exchange pairs in the Forex market are the “Euro Dollars”.